Kategorie: news

Transforming Tech: Why Ireland is the place to be for the tech industry

It’s official Ireland’s tech industry is booming.

Ireland has fast become a hub of exciting breakthroughs in the world of the semantic web to the development of the Internet of Things. From global companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook and PayPal to exciting homegrown tech companies such as Salmon Software and DecaWave, it is no wonder why Ireland is now ranked 8th on the Global Innovation index.

To gain insight into the industry and what it’s like to live in such a thriving community, we spoke to Maja who moved from Serbia to Ireland and now works as a software engineer for HubSpot a job she loves. So what’s working in Ireland like?

„It’s a great working environment,” Maja says – one of the many talented young people heading to Ireland. “I absolutely love the Irish people, they were so welcoming to me when I first arrived. I never felt like a foreigner I feel like part of the community here. I’m very settled,” she adds. “Hopefully, I will never leave Ireland.”

How has the Tech Industry changed in Ireland?

In the seven years since Maja first came to Ireland, she’s witnessed the tech industry grow.

“When I first arrived, there were few big international companies located here and just a couple of startups,” she explains. “Now it has completely changed and Ireland is the tech hub of Europe, nearly all the big companies have offices here and there are tons of jobs. In fact, there are so many employment opportunities that my LinkedIn account is overflowing with job offers and the company I work for simply can’t find enough people with the correct skills.” The many techrelated events taking place here also interest her. “I go to events from time to time and it helps to keep me updated,” she says. “There’s a big tech community in Dublin these days.”

Interested in moving to Ireland?

Whether you’re a recent grad or hoping to take your career to the next level, in Ireland you’ll have the opportunity to work with and learn from the
best. Join the smartest talent in companies of every size, stage and sector from the biggest names in tech to innovators making a global impact. Find out all you need to know about the different tech roles available in Ireland and follow us on Twitter at @TechLifeIreland and Linkedin .

Watch the Tech/Life Ireland video at the link below:

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